Falkville, AL- A Chilean operation had a SAG screening system in place that only lasted 45 days with continuous failures. When pegging occurs, the proper operation, speed, stroke, shaft rotation, and machine balance should be checked to ensure it is optimized for the application. If machine operation has been verified, then a change to the screen surface should be considered. This type of problem requires a specific screening solution.
The Solution
Valley Rubber was asked to test its SAG Screens with a special design on the top deck. The length of each screen section was increased from 1’ to 2’ to not only reduce installation time but to provide greater open area. Once the test was completed with the customized screens, the goal of extending the length to 90 days was achieved with improved performance.
Photo Right: Before the screen pegged with particles lodged in the openings.
• Asset length extension
• Reduced maintenance costs
• Better equipment availability
• Downtime reduced
• Process continuity achieved
• Operational stability obtained
Photo Above: (Left) Valley Rubber Screen (Right) Screen used prior to Valley Rubber.
Valley Rubber’s SAG screens lasted 100% longer with no pegging. The customer considered the test a success and now Valley Rubber is their main supplier of SAG screens.
Working alongside your team, we can utilize our available resources including field support, engineering & design, manufacturing, logistics, our laboratory as well as outside consultants to find the best screening solution.